Blogging for beginners

Blogging for beginners

Blog and content writing are not similar. Many people take them both as one. Writing content is broader in perspective but a bit easier whereas blog writing is a bit difficult task. I will explain you that further in detail; for now, let’s begin analyzing the definition of blog.

What is a blog?

A blog (a shortened version of “weblog”) is an online journal or informational website displaying information in reverse chronological order, with the latest posts appearing first, at the top. It is a platform where a writer or a group of writers share their views on an individual subject. – Wikipedia

Initially, blogs used to be about personal life of people sharing their everyday life with others on website. Later, it transformed into sharing the personal opinion by any individual or a group on any particular subject like Politics, religion, sports, philosophy, art or science. Now, it has many different purposes.

What is the purpose of a blog?

The basic reason of blog writing now a days is to increase the visibility of a website in order to bring more traffic on desired pages which result in bringing more customers and leads for a business. This is also called increasing your rank in Google SERP (Search Engine Result Page). Every business’ primary goal is to seek customers. Without proper advertisement and targeting they cannot attract potential customers. Hence, blogging is one new medium to grab the attention of audience and get yourself noticed. Without blogging, your website would be unnoticed, whereas blogging makes you searchable and competitive.

Thus, the primary goal of a blog is to connect you to the appropriate audience. Another motive is to enhance traffic and competent leads to your website.

Posting blogs frequently; maintaining the quality of blog content reach more audience and your website is likely to be discovered by more people. You can develop your brand through blogging and exhibit your command in your niche. A good blog builds up trust with a reader by leveraging desired knowledge required by the audience. It assures your business’ legitimacy and constructs the brand legacy.

Blogs are important to increase the visibility of your website and ultimately your business. It increases the ranking of your website if properly optimized based on keywords research. A good blog should engage its customers, gain their time and encourage them to click through your website.

A high-quality blog content must answer the audience queries and build a trust between the brand and customer. A blog should not read like a sales pitch rather a guide and an answer to readers’ questions.

What is blogging?

Blogging is a collection of skills that one needs to run and supervise a blog. This entails equipping a web page with tools to make the process of writing, posting, linking, and sharing content easier on the internet- Anonymous

Points to consider for blogging

A good blog is based on its relevance and creativity though there are some other aspects that plays vital role such as key words, word count, pictures and videos etc.


Niche in simple words is a key topic you will be writing about. This must be the area of your interest and something that you really love because if you are creating your own blogging website; this is going to be your only topic you will be writing about all the way. It could be health, politics, religions, digital marketing, freelancing etc. The more precise and focus you will be about your topic; there will be more chances to attain the google rating of your blog. You can’t write about different topics everyday on your blog since google will not rate your blog on its pages if your blogs won’t have a single niche.

2.Keyword Research

Now a days writing something from your own thoughts is not enough. You need to research about the topic before you write a blog. We have to find the words which are frequently searched by the people on google about your topic. Make a list of those words and gel in those keywords in your article in a smooth manner so it seems natural. There are different methods for keyword research. Keywords play a vital role to rate the blog on google.

3.Word count

More word count in an article enhances its performance as a blog. Approximately 3000 words blog fetches more traffic to the website comparatively to the blog containing 1500 words.


We cannot deny the fact that people usually enjoy reading lists. Its easier to process information in the form of list as compared to the paragraphs all the way. Therefore, blogs containing information in the form of list are more likely to grab organic traffic and such posts go viral easily.

5.Interrogative Blogs

Usually, people search for the solutions of there problems on internet and write their questions find the right solution. Such questions are opportunity for blogs to grab the attention. Adding answers of What, How, Why related to your topic brings in more traffic on blogs.

How-to and tutorial pieces boost your reputation and knowledge, making your viewers more likely to trust your information.

This form of blog article allows you to demonstrate to potential consumers that you are educated about a certain issue. If your material is useful, people will be more inclined to return to your website for future content requirements.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Blogging

  • Ranking

The first and foremost reason of writing blogs which is also the biggest advantage of blog is to rank your website. With professionally written articles you can rank your website on google and grab organic traffic.

  • Audience Trust and relation

Selling is not an easy task. To sell u have to gain your audience trust and build a relationship with potential customers. Only then connect with your target audience. Through blogs your audience can interact with you to get their reservations answered as well as rate your products and give their feedback so can improve the quality of your product or service as per the market requirements. You can keep your audience up to date with latest news and announcements through your blogs.

  • Revenues

You can earn through successful blogs by integrating google ad-sense, sponsored content, affiliate links e-books etc. You may generate income if your blogs are popular in audience and fetch heavy traffic.

  • Online presence

World has evolved and now it’s the era of ONLINE everything. Its essential for every business to have online presence so people can search your business easily, learn about it and interact with you without any hassle. Business without online presence nowadays lose big chunk of the audience they may potentially gain.

Disadvantages of Blogs

  • Time consuming

A good blog requires research, knowledge, hard work and smart techniques to rank on google pages. It takes a lot of efforts and time to write such blogs that gains audience attention and persuade them to return to the website. You need to update your blog page regularly to engage the audience and rank higher.

  • Delayed returns

It takes long time to build your audience and rank in google to attain visibility and scaled up traffic to get paid off which requires patience for a longer period.

  • Require Digital Marketing

After spending ages in research and writing a good blog, you need to promote your blog through several platforms to reach the audience by posting it on social media, email marketing etc.

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